SehatBaksh is all about health and wellbeing. We aim to provide organic & farm fresh meat by free-range animals to our customers. We raise our animals with stringent hygiene policy, chemical free intake and natural environment that makes our meat the top organic choice for our customers. It is always ensured that animals shall be provided with balanced nutrition, sweet drinking water, proper resting space and required freedom of movement. We make sure to provide natural conditions that govern the organic growth in our animals and provide the tender and healthy meat that compliments the organic lifestyle of our customers.
Food & Nutrition

We make sure that clean and fresh water is always available for our goats because insufficient water intake and/or poor-quality water will depress the goat’s performance earlier, and more severely, than any other dietary insufficiency.

Pasture-based diets are important for goats, because more grass in the ruminant’s diet leads to more balance in gut microbes, less acidity in the rumen, which is the largest chamber to process roughages, and overall improved digestive system. We have made year-round arrangement for our goats to have access to pasture for natural grazing.

Goats also need certain minerals and vitamins for their maintenance as well proper functioning of their physiological systems. Vitamin B is needed for goat metabolism. Vitamin C is essential for the immune system to work efficiently. Calcium and phosphorus (2:1 ratio) are recommended for better structural and bone strength.

We have a strict policy against growth accelerators of any kind, genetically modified feeds and slaughter byproducts from mammals or birds.

Living Conditions
For natural growth, the goat’s stage of life, the climate, and the environment needs to be taken into consideration when providing year-round access to outdoors. Total confinement puts a lot of stress on goat’s health. At SehatBaksh farm the outdoor environment includes shade, shelter, exercise areas, clean water for drinking, and direct sunlight.
Preventive Healthcare
SehatBaksh team believes in preventive healthcare practices to deter illness. Use of antibiotics is only allowed in case of dire situations. You can find our yearly vaccine schedule in the table. We have a certified veterinary doctor available on-call basis in addition to routine medical checkup and vaccinations once a month.
March1stGoat Pox
September1stGoat Pox

Bakra Palai Service

SehatBaksh team is offering Bakra Palai service at our cattle farm. To avail this service, you can follow the simple steps, which are as follows:

Step-1: Choose your goat from our inventory.

Step-2: Pay the purchase cost per kg live weight.

Step-3: Pay the Palai Charges on monthly basis.

When you choose to avail this service, we assure you that goats will get:

  • Ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
  • An appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
  • Preventive healthcare or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
  • Sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
  • Suitable conditions and treatment, which avoids mental suffering.

Terms & Conditions

  • Palai charges will be paid by the customer every month, in advance.
  • We have established thorough procedures and policies to raise goats at our farm but even then, we cannot guarantee that the goat will not fall ill or die.
  • In case of serious health issue, if medical expenses exceed the threshold, all details will be provided to the customer and customer will be liable to pay the extra charges.
  • In case of mortality, SehatBaksh team will not be held responsible for any liability.