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Why Choose Us

What makes us Organic!

We make sure that clean and fresh water is always available for our goats because insufficient water intake and/or poor-quality water will depress the goat’s performance earlier, and more severely, than any other dietary insufficiency.

For natural growth, the goat’s stage of life, the climate, and the environment needs to be taken into consideration when providing year-round access to outdoors. Total confinement puts a lot of stress on goat’s health. At SehatBaksh farm the outdoor environment includes shade, shelter, exercise areas, clean water for drinking, and direct sunlight.

SehatBaksh team believes in preventive healthcare practices to deter illness. Use of antibiotics is only allowed in case of dire situations. You can find our yearly vaccine schedule in the table. We have a certified veterinary doctor available on-call basis in addition to routine medical checkup and vaccinations once a month.